16.01.2025 06:40
Departed from [Guangzhou international center], next stop [Guangzhou international exchange station] (transit)
Wuhan international mail exchange station, Wuhan
15.01.2025 14:04
Arrive at international airport to abroad
Darul Uloom Deoband SO
14.01.2025 21:27
Export customs / retained for inspection
14.01.2025 04:50
Item dispatched
Chongqing International Mail Processing Center, ChongqingCity
13.01.2025 12:14
Processed Through Facility
Zhuhai International Mail Processing Center, Zhuhai city
12.01.2025 19:37
Flight arrival
12.01.2025 03:00
Arrival at importing country
Ahmedabad PH
11.01.2025 10:23
Item Presented to Customs
10.01.2025 17:47
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Shatian Town
10.01.2025 01:10
Export Scan
Malaysia airlines
09.01.2025 08:33
Arrive at destination country
The Hague
08.01.2025 15:56
Delivery achieved
07.01.2025 23:20
Arrived at sort facility shanghai
Mumbai NSH
07.01.2025 06:43
Guangzhou international mail exchange station, Guangzhou
06.01.2025 14:06
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
AUSYDA, Australia
05.01.2025 21:29
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Dongguan express processing center, Dongguan
05.01.2025 04:53
Item received
SAN JOSE, CA, 95121
04.01.2025 12:16
Depature from Local Sorting Center
United States, HUTCHINS, 75141
03.01.2025 19:39
Dispatched from Office of Exchange
Shatian Town
Tracking numbers examples: